China International Servo,Motions Control and Application Exhibition and Forum
Simultaneous hosting: 19th China International Electric Motor Expo and ForumGUO LIU MECHANICAL ELECTRONICS (SHANGHAI)CO.,LTD.
参加SERVO CHINA,您可以 Join SERVO CHINA, you can
■ 树立企业形象,奠定行业地位 Establish enterprise image,Lay position in the industry .
■ 广泛会见国内外万余名专业观众 Widely meet more than 60000 professional audience at home and abroad.
■ 发布较新产品、新工艺信息 Release latest product and new process information.
■ 接触国际采购团,开拓海外市场 Contact International Purchasing group,Explore overseas markets.
■ 了解行业发展动态,把握竞争机会
Understand the development of the industry, grasp the opportunity of competition
■ 开启伺服行业的贸易平台 Open the trade platform of servo industry